Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jack Nicholson

 As I wrote the character of Senator Martin Bliss for Ignorance is Bliss, I pictured Jack Nicholson in my mind. Can you tell?

"Martin dreamt that the phone was ringing in his ear. It had to be a dream because the phone in his bedroom never rang. The ringer, buzzer, toner or whatever it was called--since phones don't really “ring” anymore--had been surgically neutered to insure his wife's ability to sleep until noon on week days and beyond that on weekends and legal holidays. But as Martin grabbed for the receiver and pulled it towards him to answer the call, he found that what he had was a handful of handle instead of a phone. The handle was attached to the inside rear passenger door of a taxicab in which Martin was apparently riding and his effort to answer the phone only served to open the car's door as it rounded a corner. Centrifugal force launched Martin through the open door towards the pavement, which he hit and bounced off of in a forty-five degree angle. His momentum carried him over the curb and onto the sidewalk where he came to rest on his feet leaning against a streetlamp."

Ignorance is Bliss (Part 1)

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