Friday, June 29, 2012

Serge Dermanian: The 512S

From Serge Dermanian:

"Hello Stephen,

While filing some pictures, I found this rare shot of the famous 512S, that was the cause of so much polemic about the "secret chassis number". This picture was taken at Pebble Beach in 1996.

I remember a friend had told me that when new, this car was painted medium blue and the Commendatore was seen driving this car a couple times. Although a very interesting design, the only drawback was access to the cockpit by means of lifting the whole windscreen--very heavy!!

Hope you like this one.

Serge Dermanian"


  1. I do like this Stephen. I would love to see more photos of this car and read about its history.

    A car driven by Enzo is rare.

  2. I agree, Mike. A fascinating car and one driven by Il Drake!
