Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Exigence & The Dearly Departed on Prime

Within the last few days, our feature films Exigence and The Dearly Departed made their debut on Prime US & UK--a long, arduous journey for all involved. 

I've always taken an unorthodox approach to making movies in spite of favoring the orthodoxy of the three act structure. These are the first movies I've made where the dialogue was entirely written in advance instead of on the location moments before we shoot a scene.

The actors all adapted quickly to my directing them via a Skype connection as I was three thousand miles away.from the location. Here are a couple of early reviews:

5 out of 5 stars
More Exigence Please!
November 9, 2019 
Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase 

The Dearly Departed:
4 out of 5 stars
Sit, Watch And Laugh
November 11. 2019
Verified Purchase 

The Dearly Departed catches you with comedy in an off guarded way. Lol It's a hoot I found myself
drawn in right as I thought I was tuning out. Bam they do something to make me laugh. Laughs are in full affect. They are a bag full of misfits. I'm glad I gave it a chance. Lastly Raylene?! Oh Raylene!!! :) 

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