Sunday, February 2, 2020

Elliott Ovitz (Interview)

Elliott Ovitz (Interview) is one of the shows I did with G. Larry Butler who was a fixture in my repertory company for film & TV appearing in many of our shows and movies. Recently he made digital copies from his VHS copies and what you see here are excerpts from a segment that was 28 minutes long.

Each week, the (Interview) presented a fictional interview with an 'author' who has written about an extraordinary event in his or her life. The interview was presented as real except that the end credits reveal that an actor has played the role of the fictional author. I did 500 of these segments from over a twenty year period and fans included Marlon Brando, Adrian Lyne, Ron Shelton, T-Bone Burnett, Angie Dickinson, Lou Moreheim, David Permut and many others...

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