Monday, March 9, 2020

Lunch Always!: Behind the scenes

Yesterday, we effectively made an entire feature film (with the exception of a brief end-credit sequence) in one day. Exceptional work from Pry'ce Jaymes, Heather Callahan-Stevens, Heather Godwin, Kbaby Nate and Fiona Stevens and a special thank you to Maggiano's Little Italy!

Inspired by Louis Malle's 1981 movie My Dinner with Andre, the story is about two ladies who lunch regularly and share their very particular, if not peculiar, views of themselves and the world around them. Kbaby Nate (who worked in Exigence and The Dearly Departed) and Fiona Stevens were brought in at the last moment to play the service staff and their bits were created as we filmed. Though we keep to the Greek unities of time and place, the movie was broken into about 17 segments not including coverage of Kbaby and Fiona.

At a certain point, and in the middle of shooting a scene, a blue light began flashing and an automated voice came over the public address announcing an emergency and advising one and all to avoid the elevators and evacuate the building. Our seasoned crew understood that this alert did not apply to those of us in the entertainment business...

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