GTO 3987 on Mulholland

GTO 3987 on Mulholland

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Feedback for Stage 32 webinar

I received this from Royce Gorsuch who watched my webinar for Stage 32:

"Hey Stephen, I'm a commercial film director, and had the chance to listen to your talk this week and I just wanted to let you know you've really inspired me.

 Being in the commercial world, and always adhering to the "brand message" has been good training in many ways, but I'm ready to break out and make something for myself.

 Maybe I could reach out to you again at some point and let you know how I'm doing?

Anyways, thanks again, -- Royce

The webinar has been archived and can be viewed on-demand at: Stage 32 Next Level Webimars

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