GTO 3987 on Mulholland

GTO 3987 on Mulholland

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ferrari Berlinetta Lusso

This is a photo of me at the wheel of my Ferrari Berlinetta Lusso. Yesterday, I received these photos from a family friend and I cannot thank him enough as they are the only ones I have of me with the Lusso. Here we are seen arriving at his beach house in Leucadia. At the time I was 17--"It was a very good year..."


Vic said...

It is always a pleasant surprise when you are given photographs of yourself at a moment in time for which you thought there was little or no record of.

Very cool!

Unknown said...

Hi Steve,
This is a long shot, but I saw your narrated film featuring Ferraris at Willow Springs with Mario Tosi being among the drivers. Back in the mid-to late 60's in L.A. my father, Roberto Casali, used to room with Mario at his place up on Marlay Drive. At the time, Mario had a yellow Ferrari (not sure what type - but a pretty aggressive-looking thing, by all accounts - somewhat of a race car) and my father had a red 250GT Lusso, like the one of yours pictured here. Dad was also a member of the Ferrari Owner's Club and used to go to Willow Springs with Mario, and I was wondering if you ever crossed paths? Apparently, they shared the same mechanic, Salvatore, who had a garage in the San Fernando Valley. I'd love to hear from you if any of this rings any bells: stefanocasaliAThotmaildotcom
Kind regards,
Stefano Casali
PS. I'm also trying to get hold of Mario to find out a bit more about my father (he died when I was three), so if you have a contact e-mail for him (assuming his consent), that would be much appreciated.

Stephen Mitchell said...


I knew your father when he shared the house with Mario and the yellow Ferrari to which you refer was a 250 GTO and is one of the three GTOs in the Willow Springs video after it was painted red. I'll be pleased to put you in touch with Mario. Send me your contact at: